C Supplement to Chapter 4

Table C.1: Acquisition parameters for the T1-weighted scans acquired across all three datasets.
T1w scan parameter ID1000 PIOP1 PIOP2
Number of scans 3 1 1
Scan technique 3D MPRAGE 3D MPRAGE 3D MPRAGE
Number of signals (repetitions) 1 2 2
Fat suppression Yes Yes Yes
Coverage Whole-brain* Whole-brain* Whole-brain*
FOV (RL / AP / FH; mm) 160×256×256 188×240×220 188×240×220
Voxel size (mm) 1×1×1 1×1×1 1×1×1
TR / TE (ms) 8.1 / 3.7 8.5 / 3.9 8.5 / 3.9
Water-fat shift (pix) 2.268 2.268 2.268
Bandwidth (Hz/pix) 191.5 191.5 191.5
Flip angle (deg) 8 8 8
Phase accell. factor (SENSE) 1.5 (RL) 2.5 (RL) / 2 (FH) 2.5 (RL) / 2 (FH)
Acquisition direction Sagittal Axial Axial
Duration 5 min 58 sec 6 min 3 sec 6 min 3
Note: MPRAGE: Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo, FOV: field-of-view, RL: right-left, AP: anterior-posterior, FH: feet-head, TR: time to repetition, TE: time to echo, n/a: not applicable. * Whole-brain coverage included the brain-stem and cerebellum, unless otherwise stated.

Table C.2: Acquisition parameters for the phase-difference fieldmap scans acquired across all three datasets.
Phase-difference fieldmap parameters ID1000 PIOP1 PIOP2
Scan technique n/a n/a 3D MPRAGE
Fat suppression n/a n/a No
Coverage n/a n/a Whole-brain
FOV (RL / AP / FH; mm) n/a n/a 208×256×256
Voxel size (mm) n/a n/a 2×2×2
TR / TE (ms) n/a n/a 3-Nov
Delta TE (ms) n/a n/a 5
Water-fat shift (pix) n/a n/a 1.134
Bandwidth (Hz/pix) n/a n/a 383
Flip angle (deg) n/a n/a 8
Phase accell. factor (SENSE) n/a n/a 2.5 (RL) / 2 (FH)
Acquisition direction n/a n/a Axial
Duration n/a n/a 1 min 44
Note: MPRAGE: Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo, FOV: field-of-view, RL: right-left, AP: anterior-posterior, FH: feet-head, TR: time to repetition, TE: time to echo.

Table C.3: Acquisition parameters for the fMRI scans acquired across all three datasets.
fMRI scan parameters ID1000 PIOP1 (MB)* PIOP1 (seq)* PIOP2
Number of scans 1 2 3 4
Scan technique GE-EPI GE-EPI GE-EPI GE-EPI
Coverage Whole-brain Whole-brain Whole-brain
FOV  (RL / AP / FH) 138×192×192 240×240×118 240x240x122 240x240x122
Voxel size (mm.) 3×3×3 3×3×3 3×3×3 3×3×3
Matrix size 64x64 80x80 80x80 80x80
Nr. of slices 40 36 37 37
Slice gap (mm.) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
TR / TE (ms.) 2200 / 28 750 / 28 2000 28
Water-fat shift (pix.) 11.575 11.001 11.502 11.502
Bandwidth (Hz/Pix) 34.6 39.5 37.8 37.8
Flip angle (deg.) 90 60 76.1 76.1
Phase accell. factor (SENSE) 0 2 (AP) 2 (AP) 2 (AP)
Phase encoding direction P >> A P >> A P >> A P >> A
Multiband acceleration factor n/a 3 n/a n/a
Multiband FOV shift n/a None n/a n/a
Slice encoding direction L >> R (sequential) F >> H (sequential) F >> H (sequential) F >> H (sequential)
Nr. of dummy scans 2 2 2 2
Dynamic stabilization none enhanced enhanced enhanced
Note: MPRAGE: Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo, GE-EPI: gradient-echo echo-planar imaging, FOV: field-of-view, RL: right-left, AP: anterior-posterior, FH: feet-head, TR: time to repetition, TE: time to echo, Seq.: sequential (non-multiband), MB: multiband (i.e., simultaneous slice excitation). * MB scans were acquired for the face perception and resting-state paradigms of PIOP2. Sequential scans were acquired for the movie watching (ID1000), working memory, emotion matching, gender stroop, emotion anticipation, stop signal paradigms (PIOP1 and PIOP2).

Table C.4: Acquisition parameters for the DWI scans acquired across all three datasets.
DWI scan parameters ID1000 PIOP1 PIOP2
Number of scans 3 1 1
Scan technique SE-DWI SE-DWI SE-DWI
Shell Single Single Single
Nr. of b0 images 1 1 1
Nr. of diffusion-weighted dirs. 32 32 32
Sampling scheme Half sphere Half sphere Half sphere
DWI b-value 1000 s/mm2 1000 s/mm2 1000 s/mm2
Coverage Whole-brain (partial cerebellum) Whole-brain (partial cerebellum) Whole-brain (partial cerebellum)
FOV (RL / AP / FH) 224×224×120 224×224×120 224×224×120
Voxel size (mm.) 2×2×2 2×2×2 2×2×2
Matrix size 112×112 112×112 112×112
Nr. of slices 60 60 60
Slice gap (mm.) 0 0 0
TR / TE (ms.) 6312* / 74 7387* / 86 7387* / 86
Water-fat shift (pix.) 13.539 18.926 18.926
Bandwidth (Hz/pix.) 33.8 22.9 22.9
Flip angle (deg.) 90 90 90
Phase accell. (SENSE) 3 (AP) 2 (AP) 2 (AP)
Phase encoding dir. P >> A P >> A P >> A
Slice encoding direction F >> H F >> H F >> H
Duration 4 min 49 sec 5 min 27 sec 5 min 27 sec
Note: SE-DWI: Spin-Echo Diffusion-Weighted Imaging,, FOV: field-of-view, RL: right-left, AP: anterior-posterior, FH: feet-head, TR: time to repetition, TE: time to echo. *DWI scans were acquired with the shortest possible TR (“shortest” setting on Philips scanners), causing the actual TR values to vary from scan to scan. The TRs reported in this table reflect the median TR across all DWI scans per dataset (see the Raw data standardization section for more information.

Table C.5: Description of the subject variables and psychometric variables.
Variable name Description Levels / range Units Included in
age Subject age at day of measurement
Quantiles All
sex (Biological) sex male, female
gender_identity_F To what degree the subject felt female 1-7 A.U. ID1000
gender_identity_M To what degree the subject felt male 1-7 A.U. ID1000
sexual_attraction_M To what degree the subject was attracted to males 1-7 A.U. ID1000
sexual_attraction_F To what degree the subject was attracted to females 1-7 A.U. ID1000
BMI Body-mass-index
kg/m2 All
handedness Dominant hand left, right ID1000
handedness Dominant hand left, right, ambidextrous
background_SES Social economical status of family in which the subject was raised. 2-6 A.U. ID1000
educational_level Highest achieved (or current) educational level low, medium, high
educational_category Highest achieved (or current) education type applied, academic
religious Whether the subject is religious or not no, yes
religious_upbringing Whether the subject was raised religiously or not no, yes
religious_now Whether the subject is religious now no, yes
religious_importance To what degree religion plays a role in the subject’s daily life 1-5 A.U. ID1000
IST_fluid IST fluid intelligence subscale
A.U. ID1000
IST_memory IST memory subscale
A.U. ID1000
IST_crystallised IST crystallised intelligence subscale
A.U. ID1000
IST_total_intelligence IST total intelligence scale
A.U. ID1000
BAS_drive BAS drive scale
A.U. ID1000
BAS_fun BAS fun scale
A.U. ID1000
BAS_reward BAS reward scale
A.U. ID1000
BIS BIS scale
A.U. ID1000
NEO_N Neuroticism scale (sum score)
A.U. All
NEO_E Extraversion scale (sum score)
A.U. All
NEO_O Openness scale (sum score)
A.U. All
NEO_A Agreeableness scale (sum score)
A.U. All
NEO_C Conscientiousness scale (sum score)
A.U. All
STAI_T Trait anxiety (from the STAI) (sum score)
A.U. ID1000
Note: The “variable name” coincides with the column name for that variable in the participants.tsv file. Note that missing values in this file are coded with “n/a”. A.U.: arbitrary units.

Table C.6: All data types with associated identifiers, descriptions, and modalities.
Data type Identifier (ext.) Description Modality
Raw _T1w (nii.gz) T1-weighted scan Anatomical MRI
_bold (nii.gz) Functional (BOLD) MRI scan Functional MRI
_magnitude1 (nii.gz) Average magnitude image (across two echoes) of B0 fieldmap scan (PIOP2 only) Fieldmap
_phasediff (nii.gz) Difference between two phase images of B0 fieldmap scan Fieldmap
_dwi (.nii.gz) Diffusion-weighted scan DWI
_dwi (.bvec) Diffusion gradient table (plain-text file) DWI
_dwi (.bval) Diffusion b-value sequence (plain-text file) DWI
_physio (tsv.gz) Physiology (cardiac/respiratory traces + volume onsets) Physiology
_events (tsv) Onsets, durations, and other relevant properties of events during task fMRI Behavior
  • (.json)
Metadata associated with a specific file, acquisition type, or file type All modalities
Deriv. _T1w (nii.gz) Preprocessed T1-weighted scan Functional MRI
_mask (nii.gz) Binary brain mask (0: not brain, 1: brain) Functional / anatomical / diffusion MRI
_dseg (nii.gz) Discrete segmentation (0: background, 1: gray matter, 2: white matter, 3: cerebrospinal fluid) Anatomical MRI
_probseg (nii.gz) Probabilistic segmentation (1st volume: gray matter, 2nd volume: white matter
.surf (.gii) Reconstructed surfaces (e.g., inflated, midthickness, pial, and smoothwm) Anatomical MRI
_xfm (.h5) Linear + non-linear transformation parameters between two spaces (orig, T1w, MNI152NLin2009cAsym, and fsaverage5) Functional / anatomica MRI
_xfm (.txt) Linear transformation parameters between two spaces (orig, T1w, MNI152NLin2009cAsym, and fsaverage5) Functional / anatomical MRI
_bold (nii.gz) Preprocessed BOLD-MRI scan Functional MRI
_boldref (nii.gz) Reference volume used for computing transformation parameters Functional MRI
_regressors (tsv) Table with confound regressors for BOLD-MRI data Functional MRI
  • (.json)
Metadata from file with the same name (excluding extension) All modalities
_dwi (.nii.gz) Preprocessed diffusion-weighted scan DWI
_dwi (.bvec) Preprocessed gradient table DWI
_dwi (.bval) Preprocessed b-value sequence DWI
_mask (.nii.gz) Binary brain mask (0: not brain, 1: brain) DWI
_diffmodel Estimated parameters from the diffusion tensor model DWI
_EVECS Eigenvectors from the diffusion tensor model DWI
_FA Fractional anisotropy map DWI
GMvolume Estimated voxelwise gray matter volume map Anatomical MRI
_stats Morphological statistics per anatomical region from a particular atlas Anatomical MRI
_regressors Physiology-derived RETROICOR, HRV, and RVT regressors for BOLD-MRI data Physiology