For developers#

If you wish to contribute to the course materials, you can find some instructions below.

Building the book#

To build the book, make sure you have the jupyter book package installed. Then, run the following in the root of the repository:


Note that this does not work on Windows (Mac/Linux) only.

Using nbgrader#

We use nbgrader to convert the solution notebooks (which contain the solutions to the exercises) to the tutorial notebooks (without the solutions). If you do this yourself, make sure you use the file from this repository (because we use the directory names “solutions” and “tutorials” instead of “source” and “release”).

To regenerate the notebooks from week 1 (week 2 doesn’t have any notebooks), run in the root of this repository the following command:

nbgrader generate_assignment --force week_*


To test the notebooks, run the following (note: needs the packages pytest and nbval; Mac/Linux only):
